Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sharpie Marker Tye Dye

Ran across a cool little pic on Pinterest that I just knew I had to try with my grandkids.  Sharpie Marker Tye Dye.  It was super simple and the kids had a blast with it.  All it takes is sharpies, a white shirt, red solo cups, rubber bands, an eye dropper (I used an old medicine dropper), some rubbing alcohol and a little imagination.  The shirts of course varied in art skills with the ages. I loved how they all turned out, but was pretty impressed with the Poke balls that my grandson drew on his, though it is hard to make them out in the pic, they are very cool in person, they turned out so neat looking lol.  The second one was done by my 6 yr old grand daughter, she made a catepillar, though it's hard to see his little face lol, the third was done by my 5 yr old gd.  She asked for help with the leaves, but the flowers was all her own artwork.  My 4 yr old did the circles for what was to be her kite... lol but she accidentally flipped her shirt in half.. so we have some interesting markings, but she still had fun.  TFL  Oh btw, the mess was very very minimal, almost non existent because all of the alcohol is caught in the solo cups.


  1. Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u

    Sharpie Marker

  2. It is very user friendly. Thanks for your comment, Shwetha :)
