Gosh, I have been so busy lately that I just haven't had time to do much of anything! So I really need to catch my poor blog up! First things first! I wanted to say a huge thank you to Flamenco92627 at
http://4goofballs.blogspot.com/ for the "Stylish Blogger Award", I am so flattered! I got this on Dec. 2nd, 2010, but just haven't had time to really breathe before now.
Here are the rules of recieving this award...
1.Thank and link back to the person who awarded you. Thanks again Flamenco!!
2.Share 8 things about yourself.
3.Pay forward to 8 bloggers you've discovered.
4.Contact the 8 bloggers to tell them about the award.
8 things about me:
1. I love to craft anything and everything!
2. I try to learn at least one new craft technique a month.
3. I am a grandmother to 7 children (ages 2-13) that I adore beyond reason!
4. I am fiercly protective of my family!
5. I have a PhD in Psychology
6. I have a BA in Religious Studies
7. I have a BA in Early Childhood Education
8. I am an Ordained Minister
The 8 blogs I have chosen, in no particular order are: